Our Services

Working with existing producers’ groups/ farmers

We work with farmers at the village and community level, by following a business model like contract farming, promoting small and medium enterprises and business trade centres

Business Consulting

The company provides business service like making business plans, mentoring, business counselling,  business/ skill training,  and supply-side services including marketing of the product, branding, packaging and market linkages.

Working through Impact Fund

The company’s programme fund is booked under “ Impact Fund” through equity investment of the promoters, earning through the service charge, profit from own business and mobilizing external resources. A portion of the Impact Fund is used to invest in its project as well as other projects initiated by other potential young entrepreneurs, based on a business viability plan

Forward contracting and Buyback guarantee

The company is willing to provide a buyback guarantee for the farm products to ensure timely quantity and quality products

Co-investment modality

The company is willing to provide matchmaking services for investors looking for opportunities to invest in different projects with an expectation of either social or economic return

Research and Development

Research and Development is core of the business. The innovative ideas for increasing productivity, efficiency and marketing of the products

    Impact Nepal is a private limited company The company is registered in the Company registered Office in June 2020, In Kathmandu Nepal. The private limited company is promoted by experienced professionals with a passion to address challenges of slow economic growth among the middle- and low-income strata and narrowing down the widening economic inequalities in the Nepalese society.

    Our Vision is to contribute to formalizing the informal market economy and make an impact on the livelihood of people.


    Mahalaxmi Municipality- 4, Lalitpur Metropolitan city, Kathmandu, Nepal


    +977 9840255412

