Market Segmentation

Company’s prime focus is Madhesh Pradesh. WE plan to expand the success to othe provinces as well.

  1. 1
    Province 1

    Segment Profiling

    • Commercial farming of fruits and vegetable
    • Agro trade centre

  2. 2
    Bagmati Province

    Segment Profiling

    • Commercial farming of fruits and vegetable
    • Business services

  3. 3
    Madhes Pradesh

    Segment Profiling

    • Contract Farming
    • Business trade centres
    • Agro-processing units
    • Special Economic Zone
    • home-based enterprises for women through buy back guarantee
    • Business services

    Impact Nepal is a private limited company The company is registered in the Company registered Office in June 2020, In Kathmandu Nepal. The private limited company is promoted by experienced professionals with a passion to address challenges of slow economic growth among the middle- and low-income strata and narrowing down the widening economic inequalities in the Nepalese society.

    Our Vision is to contribute to formalizing the informal market economy and make an impact on the livelihood of people.


    Mahalaxmi Municipality- 4, Lalitpur Metropolitan city, Kathmandu, Nepal


    +977 9840255412